Frequently Asked Questions

You can always mail a payment into our office at P.O. Box 130 Clinton, MO 64735. You are able to call into our office at 660-885-4221 or your local agent to make a payment by phone.

Lastly you are able to make a payment online to make a credit card payment or a payment by check at your own convenience.

Make a Payment

Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday 8:30-4:30. You are also able to file a claim online anytime, or you may attempt to contact your agent.

You can do temporary repairs to avoid any further damage but you should not begin permanent repairs until the adjuster has inspected the property. If you do any temporary repairs you should take photographs prior to those temporary repairs, as well as save any damaged part which may have caused the loss.

File a Claim

Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday 8:30-4:30. You are also able to file a claim online anytime, or you may attempt to contact your agent.

File a Claim

We insure homes, mobile homes, farms, rentals, seasonal, vacant, contents only and some smaller commercial risks. Contact an agent for a quote on your property today.

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